Pferd begrüßt Fohlenattrappe

| 5 Kommentare

Ein Pferd begrüßt seinen künstlichen Artgenossen.


5 Responses

  1. Pferdepflüsterer
    | Antworten

    Get on my Horse...

  2. Boris Becker
    | Antworten

    Während dieses lustigen Videobeitrages presste ich eine wohlklingende Flatulenz in meinen babyblauen String-Tanga.

  3. Amazing Horse
    | Antworten

    Look at my horse, my horse is amazing.
    Give it a lick! ([Mmm! It tastes just like raisins.])
    Of a stroke of its mane, it turns into a plane,
    And then he turns back again when you tug on his winky. ([Ooh, that's dirty!])
    Do you think so? Well, I better not show you where the lemonade is made.
    Sweet lemonade, sweet lemonade, sweet lemonade, yeah, sweet lemonade...
    Get on my horse! I'll take you 'round the universe and all the other places, too.
    ([I think you'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything!])
    Shut up, woman, get on my horse. :p

  4. Onkel des Monats
    | Antworten

    Was macht mein Pferd im Internet?

  5. Kucker
    | Antworten

    Kenn ich nicht, bring ich um!

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